Map Western Australia Handy 13th ed

Sale price$10.00

Hema's updated WA State Map is comprised of the most detailed information, which has been verified by Hema Map Patrol. It is printed on waterproof paper and includes a full index of locations, making it durable and easy to use for both navigation and inspiration. A compact map of Western Australia for touring throughout the state with a distance grid and index for reference. Marked on the mapping are highways, major and minor roads, camping and rest areas, 24-hour fuel, information centres, picnic areas, caravan parks and lookouts.


Key Features

• Camping areas

• Caravan Parks

• Fully indexed

• Easy to use



Key Specifications

  • Edition: 13th
  • Publication Date: 05/02/20
  • Scale: 1:2,500,000
  • Folded size (WxHxD): 125mm X 250mm x 3mm
  • Flat size (WxH): 500mm X 875mm
  • Weight: 0.09kgs