Kaytetye to English Dictionary IAD Press

Compiled by Myf TurpinKaytetye is an Aboriginal language from Central Australia. As well as a means of communication, the languageis a storehouse of cultural and kinship knowledge, of ancestor stories and history. This landmark publicationis the first comprehensive dictionary of the Kaytetye language; it is the result of many years work by linguistsworking closely with native speakers.The dictionary contains:—è the most extensive list of Kaytetye words and their meanings yet published—è more than 8,000 Kaytetye example sentences illustrating their use—è an extensive English finder list to enable Kaytetye words to be found quickly—è an introduction to the Kaytetye kinship system—è information about Kaytetye culture and beliefs—è extensive information about the flora and fauna found in Kaytetye country—è a map of Kaytetye country—è a guide to spelling and pronunciationThe Kaytetye to English Dictionary is an ideal resource both for beginners and advanced speakers, for translatorsand linguists, and for anyone interested in learning about the languages and culture of Aboriginal Australia.