Day to Day Cookery

Day to Day Cookery enters its fourth edition as a well-respected and enduring collection of recipes designed to cater to both the beginner cook as well as the cook who has come to rely on its easy-to-follow classic recipes. This edition retains the strength of the previous edition with its traditional, international and microwave recipes. It adds an exciting new dimension with low-fat and gluten-free versions of many traditional favourites to cater for the increasing number of Australians with these special dietary needs. It also reflects the many new influences on our culinary habits that an increasingly multicultural society brings. Features: - All recipes revised - Traditional recipes and the basics of food preparation remain - Microwave recipes integrated within other categories of recipes - International recipes revised and expanded - Low-fat and gluten-free versions of many basic recipes - New recipes to reflect multicultural lifestyle influences on Australia’s eating habits - Glossary of terms used in cooking Over 200 new recipes!